Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)


Welcome to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) section of The Winterton Federation website. 

General Information about SEND and the provision at The Winterton Federation can be found on the Parent’s Guide Leaflet.  Also in this section you will find the school SEND Policy and the SEND Information Report alongside the Medical Care Policy and the Supporting Pupils at the School and Medical Conditional Policy.  Further to this, you can gain more information about SEND in general and across North Lincolnshire by visiting the North Lincolnshire Local Offer.

In line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practce: 0-25 (DFE, 2014), we strive to work in partnership with parents in order to meet a child’s needs and therefore, should you require any further information, help guidance or support, please contact me through either the Infant or Junior school office.

Kind regards,

Mrs Sue Waters