
Uniform Information

At The Winterton Federation we actively encourage pupils to wear school uniform. All of our uniform has been chosen to ensure that it can be purchased as cheaply as possible.

The Federation offer clothing which bears the school name and motif, however this only optional.

Our uniform consists of standard school wear, i.e. black, grey or navy trousers, shorts, skirts or dresses, with a white or blue shirt / polo shirt. Jumpers and Cardigans preferably in navy, however black and grey are also fine. Summer dresses are to be pale blue either checked or striped.  We request that smart shoes are worn with a wide heel base. Trainers are not acceptable as school shoes and should only be worn as part of the PE kit.

There is a selection of high quality second hand uniform in school that is available on request; free to a good home. Please ask at the office if you would like access to this.

PE Kit Uniform

Black shorts, plain white t-shirt. Bare feet are the rule in the Hall, unless a child has a verruca, in which case plimsolls/verruca sock should be worn. Jogging suits can be worn for outdoor PE but must be in suitable school colours and style. Plimsolls or trainers are required for outdoor PE. Football boots are not essential but can be worn on the field for football.

Children should wear their PE kit to school instead of uniform on their designated PE day. 


Ordering Uniform

You are able to create a uniform order through the school ParentPay site www.parentpay.co.uk, please let us know the size of the uniform that you would like to order. Depending on stock levels we aim to complete the order within 2 working days.
Alternatively, you can order uniform from our provider and straight to your home by clicking here.