School Times and Important Dates

At The Winterton Federation, across both our schools, we offer a soft start approach to registration, where the pupils can come into school during a 10-minute window, which helps support our parents to bring their pupils at a suitable time, gives the pupils access to more learning opportunities and allows our pupils to enjoy their free bagel breakfast.  We stagger the closing times for both schools in order to support our parents who have pupils attending both schools.

Winterton Junior School’s opening and closing times:

Monday – Friday
School opens at 8:45am every day for a soft start with an official registration time of 8:55am.
School closes at 3:30pm every day.
This equates to 32.9 hours a week from the official registration time.

This equates to 33.75 hours a week from the soft start we offer.

Winterton Church of England Infant School’s opening and closing times:

Monday – Friday
School opens at 8:40am every day for a soft start with an official registration time of 8:50am.
School closes at 3:20pm every day.
This equates to 32.5 hours a week from the official registration time.
This equates to 33.4 hours a week from the soft start we offer.

2023/2024 Term Dates

Autumn Term:
First Day of Term – Tuesday 5th September 2023
Last Day of Term – Thursday 21st December 2023

Half Term:
Last Day at School – Friday 20th October 2023
First Day at School – Monday 30th October 2023


Spring Term:
First Day of Term – Monday 8th January 2024
Last Day of Term – Thursday 28th March 2024

Half Term:
Last Day at School – Friday 9th February 2024
First Day at School – Monday 19th February 2024

Summer Term:
First Day of Term – Tuesday 16th April 2024
Last Day of Term – Friday 19th July 2024

Half Term:
Last Day at School – Friday 24th May 2024
First Day at School – Monday 3rd June 2024

May Day: Monday 6th May 2024

2024/2025 Term Dates

Autumn Term:
First Day of Term – Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Last Day of Term – Friday 20th December 2024

Half Term:
Last Day at School – Friday 18th October 2024
First Day at School – Monday 4th November 2024


Spring Term:
First Day of Term – Monday 6th January 2025
Last Day of Term – Friday 4th April 2025

Half Term:
Last Day at School – Friday 14th February 2025
First Day at School – Monday 24th February 2025

Summer Term:
First Day of Term – Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Last Day of Term – Wednesday 23rd July 2025

Half Term:
Last Day at School – Friday 23rd May 2025
First Day at School – Monday 2nd June 2025

May Day: Monday 5th May 2025

Federation Diary Dates

Autumn Term 2023

Wednesday 11th October – Individual and sibling photographs
Tuesday 17th October – WIS – Harvest Disco
Thursday 19th October – Year 3 Harvest Production
Friday 20th October – WIS – Harvest Celebration at All Saints Church
Monday 30th October – WJS – Halloween Disco
Tuesday 14th November – WIS – Parents Consultation Evening
Wednesday 15th November – WIS – Parents Consultation Evening
Tuesday 21st November – WJS – Parents Consultation Evening
Wednesday 22nd November – WJS – Parents Consultation Evening
Monday 11th December – Year 2 and Year 4 Christmas Party
Tuesday 12th December – Year 1 Christmas Party
Tuesday 12th December – Buttons Memorial Service
Wednesday 13th December – Year 4 Christmas Performance
Wednesday 13th December – Reception Christmas Performance
Wednesday 13th December – Year 3 Christmas Party
Thursday 14th December – WIS – Carol Service at All Saints Church
Thursday 14th December – WIS – Student Christmas Lunch
Thursday 14th December – Year 5 Christmas Party
Thursday 14th December – Christmas Bingo Night
Friday 15th December – WJS – Carol Service at All Saints Church
Friday 15th December – WJS – Student Christmas Lunch
Friday 15th December – Reception and Year 6 Christmas Party
Monday 18th December – School Soiree at All Saints Church
Tuesday 19th December – TWF visit The Baths Hall – Pantomime

Spring Term 2024

Tuesday 9th January – Young Voices Event
Tuesday 6th February – WIS – Valentines Disco
Thursday 8th February – WJS – Valentines Disco
Monday 18th March – Year 1 Easter Performance
Tuesday 19th March – Year 1 Easter Performance
Thursday 21st March – Year 5 Easter Performance
Friday 22nd March – School Reports Sent Home
Monday 25th March – WJS – Easter Service at Methodist Chapel
Monday 25th March – WIS – Easter Service at All Saints Church

Summer Term 2024

Week commencing Monday 13th May – Year 6 SATS week
Wednesday 5th June – Federation Sports Day
Wednesday 12th June – Federation Reserve Sports Day
Monday 8th July – Year 2 Performance
Tuesday 9th July – Year 2 Performance
Wednesday 10th July – Year 6 Performance
Monday 15th July – Federation Open Afternoon
Thursday 18th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly