
Financial Matters

In today’s unsettled employment climate, we have seen the financial situation of many of our families change overnight, through no fault of their own.  We fully appreciate that many people find discussing financial matters difficult and embarrassing.  At The Winterton Federation one of our main aims is to ensure that no child in our school is ever disadvantaged and unable to take part in anything, through financial circumstances or poverty.  To that end, all Winterton Federation staff will treat you with utmost respect and confidentiality, should the need arise for you to discuss any financial matter with us. This might include registration for Free School Meals, arranging payment plans for school educational visits or for purchasing school uniform.  We are here to help and we do not want any of our families to feel uncomfortable in approaching us in this regard.

Should you wish to discuss any financial matter, when contacting us, please request a confidential meeting, so that these discussions can be carried out confidentially in a private room with a Senior Leader or Mrs Logan.

Free School Meals/Pupil Premium Grant Funding

Whilst at Winterton Church of England Infants’ School in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, your child will be in receipt of the Universal Free School Meals scheme, which entitled them to a free school lunch on a daily basis. Unfortunately, this government scheme does not extend to junior age children and will no longer be available to every child at Winterton Junior School.

However, should your family financial circumstances meet certain criteria; your child may still be entitled to Free School Meals/Pupil Premium Grant funding at any point during their journey through The Winterton Federation schools. If you think you may meet the criteria, or are unsure what this might be, and you have not already registered for this entitlement, please contact either the Infant or Junior school office immediately where Admin staff will be able to confidentially advise and support you in organising registration.  Not only will this enable your child to continue to receive a free school meal on a daily basis once they move to the Junior School, as a Federation we will also receive a significant amount of money, (currently £1320) known as Pupil Premium Grant funding, to further support your child’s education, in a variety of ways, whilst they are at The Winterton Federation.  Please also note that you can apply for Pupil Premium funding at any time whilst your child is attending either school at The Winterton Federation should your financial circumstances change.

Under no circumstances will it be made public that any child is on free school meals: knowledge that a child is in receipt of free school meals is treated in a very confidential manner, and this information is only shared with limited personnel in school. Rest assured that there is no distinction made, in any circumstances in school, between free school meal pupils and non-free school meal pupils

Your child needs to be registered for Free School Meals for our school to access the Pupil Premium Grant funding – we would ask that you PLEASE REGISTER for Free School Meals if your child is eligible, even if you do not want your child to have free school meals.

Financial Benchmarking: The Winterton Federation

To see our Federation’s dedicated page on the schools financial benchmarking please visit here:

This link will take you to the financial benchmarking information for Winterton Junior School. This is not a mistake, the information contained in the link is reflective of the two schools combined.

Please Note:

Winterton Junior School is federated with Winterton Church of England Infants’ School. This means the two schools, whilst unique, distinct and inspected individually as separate educational establishments, work collaboratively, and come together to ‘pool’ resources, including their budget, Executive Headteacher, Deputy Head, leadership team and teaching and learning support teams.

Geographically close and collectively, the schools are reflective of a large town primary school with high Free School Meal uptake. However, having two sites requires that both schools require independent personnel in some areas, for example, separate administrative teams together with additional shared staff such as a Federation Business Manager, Federation Pastoral Manager and one Federation Governing Board.

It is important this information is taken into account when using the characteristics (pre-selected or otherwise,) offered within this service as, those schools available for comparison are not Federations or federated primary schools.

All schools have to report the number of employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
At The Winterton Federation there are no employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.