
to The Winterton Federation (TWF) website.

Welcome to The Winterton Federation’s website.  The Winterton Federation is comprised of two schools: Winterton Church of England Infants’ School (WIS) and Winterton Junior School (WJS).  We are incredibly proud of both of our unique and nurturing schools and all the children, staff and families that form our community.  We are a school family, working for our families.

We base everything we do on the latest research, and have high expectations for every aspect of our Federation.  Our vision is to ‘Be The Beacon For Learning’,

and encapsulates our ambition for exceptional educational practice. We have an open-door policy for all of our families, so please come and see us in action.
Mrs Cathy Logan
Executive Headteacher

Meet our mascots

Winnie the WJS Owl and Woody the WIS Butterfly form parts of the Winterton Federation logo and are our guiding mascots; they are there for us every step of the way. Under Winnie’s watchful and protective eye, and Woody’s caring and supportive wings, we all strive to maintain a happy, positive, respectful, equitable and safe environment, through consistently adhering to The Winterton Federation Code of conduct and values.

Winnie the WJS Owl

Under Winnie’s watchful and protective eye

View Winterton Juniors

Woody the WIS Butterfly

Under Woody’s caring and supportive wings

View Winterton Infants’

Our Vision Statement


“The teaching of your word is light, so everyone can understand”

– (Psalms 119:130)


Our Mission Statement

At The Winterton Federation, we endeavour to nurture unique individuals in a happy, safe, respectful and inclusive environment, where everyone is inspired to be the best they can be throughout their journey of life. We are all proud to be united in faith, vision and ambition.

“Let us run with perseverance, the race that is set before us”

– (Hebrews 12:1)


Our Code of Conduct and Values


Be polite and respectful and full of hope
Be a hard worker and a good friend
Be truthful and trustworthy
Be kind, helpful and forgiving
Live peacefully with yourself and others
Be your best self



With the Summer Holidays rapidly approaching, we're getting ready for our Limitless Lego Sessions here at The Attis Arena. Check out our website for details of the sessions and how to book your place. https://studyparks.org.uk/events




This is how we do it! 🏆🏆🏆

1st in the Infants Category - WIS
1st in the Juniors Category - WJS
Best in the parade - WJS

Thank you to all the staff and children involved. A special thank you to Miss Porter and Miss Chidwick in the designing and getting the floats together!


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A View from space

View our launch to space here.

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