Diary Dates

Please find below the Diary Dates for the 2023/2024 Academic Year

Please note that these dates are subject to change

Autumn Term 2023

Wednesday 11th October – Individual and sibling photographs
Tuesday 17th October – WIS – Harvest Disco
Thursday 19th October – Year 3 Harvest Production
Friday 20th October – WIS – Harvest Celebration at All Saints Church
Monday 30th October – WJS – Halloween Disco
Tuesday 14th November – WIS – Parents Consultation Evening
Wednesday 15th November – WIS – Parents Consultation Evening
Tuesday 21st November – WJS – Parents Consultation Evening
Wednesday 22nd November – WJS – Parents Consultation Evening
Monday 11th December – Year 2 and Year 4 Christmas Party
Tuesday 12th December – Year 1 Christmas Party
Tuesday 12th December – Buttons Memorial Service
Wednesday 13th December – Year 4 Christmas Performance
Wednesday 13th December – Reception Christmas Performance
Wednesday 13th December – Year 3 Christmas Party
Thursday 14th December – WIS – Carol Service at All Saints Church
Thursday 14th December – WIS – Student Christmas Lunch
Thursday 14th December – Year 5 Christmas Party
Thursday 14th December – Christmas Bingo Night
Friday 15th December – WJS – Carol Service at All Saints Church
Friday 15th December – WJS – Student Christmas Lunch
Friday 15th December – Reception and Year 6 Christmas Party
Monday 18th December – School Soiree at All Saints Church
Tuesday 19th December – TWF visit The Baths Hall – Pantomime

Spring Term 2024

Tuesday 9th January – Young Voices Event
Tuesday 6th February – WIS – Valentines Disco
Thursday 8th February – WJS – Valentines Disco
Wednesday 13th March – Family Quiz Night
Monday 18th March – Year 1 Easter Performance
Tuesday 19th March – Year 1 Easter Performance
Thursday 21st March – Year 5 Easter Performance
Friday 22nd March – School Reports Sent Home
Monday 25th March – WJS – Easter Service at Methodist Chapel
Monday 25th March – WIS – Easter Service at All Saints Church

Summer Term 2024

Week commencing Monday 13th May – Year 6 SATS week
Wednesday 5th June – Federation Sports Day
Wednesday 12th June – Federation Reserve Sports Day
Monday 8th July – Year 2 Performance
Tuesday 9th July – Year 2 Performance
Wednesday 10th July – Year 6 Performance
Friday 12th July – Federation Summer Fair
Monday 15th July – Federation Open Afternoon
Thursday 18th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly